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Inductively Defined Data Types

Date: 2020-01-02. Tested with Coq version 8.8.1.
The following examples are based on the Class Notes; Pages 84-106 (Chapter 4). CSE 191 "Discrete Structures".

Inductive type with 3 enum values

Print bool.

Inductive pdetype : Set :=
  elliptic : pdetype
  | parabolic : pdetype
  | hyperbolic : pdetype.

Check pdetype_ind.
Check pdetype_rect.
Check pdetype_rec.

This shows a proof by verifying all the subcases (gadījumu pārlase). Commands "right;left.", "left", "right; right" are meant to pick the middle term, the leftmost term and the rightmost term of the disjunction respectively.
Theorem pde_equal : forall p : pdetype, p = parabolic \/ p = elliptic \/ p = hyperbolic.
  induction p.
  right; left.
  right; right.

Theorem pde_equal_same : forall p : pdetype, p = parabolic \/ p = elliptic \/ p = hyperbolic.
  intro p.
  pattern p.
  apply pdetype_ind.
  right; left.
  right; right.

Proving more trivial statements about a function computed from an inductive type.
Definition mg_works (p : pdetype) :=
match p with
| hyperbolic => False
| other => True

Eval compute in (mg_works hyperbolic).

Trivial theorem: One value of the predicate "mg_works" is False.
Theorem no_hyp_mg : mg_works hyperbolic = False.

One more trivial theorem: Two constants not equal.
Lemma simple : ~ elliptic = hyperbolic.
  unfold not.
  intro H.
  discriminate. Qed.

One more trivial theorem: Two constants not equal, but this time not using "discriminate".
Lemma simple_same : ~ elliptic = hyperbolic.
  unfold not.
  intro H.
  change ((fun p:pdetype => match p with | elliptic => True | _ => False end) hyperbolic).
  rewrite <- H.

Natural numbers as inductive type

Print nat.
Print nat_ind.
Print nat_rect.

Inductive proof that addition is associative
Theorem plus_assoc : forall x y z:nat, (x+y)+z = x+(y+z).
  intros x y z.
  elim x.
  intros n IHn.
  rewrite plus_Sn_m.
  rewrite plus_Sn_m.
  rewrite plus_Sn_m.
  rewrite IHn.

Define function "sum_1" - it adds the same number "1" for indices 0 to n.
Fixpoint sum_1 (n : nat) := match n with
  0 => 1
  | S p => S (sum_1 p)

Eval compute in (sum_1 10).

Theorem sum_1_analytic : forall n : nat, sum_1 n = S n.
  induction n.
  rewrite IHn.

"sum_n n" is a function adding together 0+1+...+(n-1).

Fixpoint sum_n n :=
  match n with
    0 => 0
    | S p => p + sum_n p

Eval compute in (sum_n 1).
Eval compute in (sum_n 2).
Eval compute in (sum_n 10).

This import is necessary to include "ring" - a tactic to do algebraic simplifications.

Require Import Arith.

sum_n n is equal to n(n-1)/2
Lemma sum_n_p : forall n, 2 * sum_n n + n = n * n.
  induction n.
  assert (SnSn : S n * S n = n * n + 2 * n + 1).
  rewrite SnSn.
  rewrite <- IHn.

A result that may be useful to prove inequalities. For all n,m,p,q: If n <= m and p + m <= q + n then p <= q
Print Nat.le_le_add_le.

Simple inequality (not very useful): 0+1+...+(n-1) is more or equal to n-1
Theorem bigger : forall n : nat, n <= sum_n n + 1.
  induction n.
  apply le_S.
  apply le_n.
  destruct n.
  apply le_n.
  rewrite <- Nat.add_1_r.
  apply Nat.le_le_add_le with (n := S n) (m := sum_n (S n) + 1).
  rewrite Nat.add_1_r at 2.
  rewrite <- Nat.add_1_r.
  rewrite <- Nat.add_1_r with (n:=n).
  rewrite <- Nat.add_1_r with (n:=n + (n + sum_n n) + 1 + (n + 1)).
  apply plus_le_compat_r.
  rewrite <- plus_assoc with (n:=n) (m:=n + sum_n n) (p:=1).
  rewrite <- plus_assoc with (n:=n) (m:=n + sum_n n + 1) (p:=n+1).
  rewrite plus_comm with (n:=n + sum_n n + 1) (m:=n+1).
  rewrite plus_assoc with (n:=n) (m:=n+1).
  apply plus_le_compat_r.
  rewrite <- plus_O_n at 1.
  apply plus_le_compat_r.
  apply Peano.le_0_n.

Require Import Rfunctions.
Open Scope R_scope.
Require Import Reals.

Fixpoint sum_geom (n:nat) (x:R) : R :=
  match n with
    0 => 1
    | S p => x^n + sum_geom p x

Eval compute in (sum_geom 0 17).
Eval compute in (sum_geom 1 17).
Eval compute in (sum_geom 2 17).

Lemma sum_geom_p : forall n:nat, forall x:R, sum_geom n x * x + 1 = x^(n + 1) + sum_geom n x.
  induction n.
  intros x.
  rewrite Rmult_1_l.   rewrite Rmult_1_r.   reflexivity.
  intros x.
  rewrite Rmult_plus_distr_r.
  rewrite tech_pow_Rmult.
  rewrite tech_pow_Rmult.
  rewrite Rmult_comm with (r1:=x ^ S n) (r2:=x).
  rewrite tech_pow_Rmult.
  rewrite Rplus_assoc.
  rewrite IHn.
  rewrite Nat.add_1_r.

Inductive par: Set := open | close.

Lists and Pigeonhole principle

Require Import List.

Inductive wp : list par -> Prop :=
wp_empty : wp nil
| wp_paren : forall l : list par, wp l -> wp (open :: l ++ close :: nil)
| wp_concat : forall l m : list par, wp l -> wp m -> wp (l ++ m).

Lemma wp_o_head_c : forall l1 l2 : list par, wp l1 ->
  wp l2 -> wp ((open :: l1 ++ (close :: nil)) ++ l2).
  intros l1 l2 H1 H2.
  apply wp_concat.
  apply wp_paren.

Lemma wp_o_tail_c : forall l1 l2 : list par, wp l1 ->
  wp l2 -> wp (l1 ++ (open :: l2 ++ (close :: nil))).
  intros l1 l2 H1 H2.
  apply wp_concat.
  apply wp_paren.

Inductive bin : Set :=
  L : bin
  | N : bin -> bin -> bin.

Fixpoint bin_to_string (t:bin) : list par :=
  match t with
    | L => nil
    | N u v => cons open
    (app (app (bin_to_string u) (cons close nil)) (bin_to_string v))