Library CSEnotes_numbertheory
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Date: 2020-01-02. Tested with Coq version 8.8.1.
The following examples are based on the Class Notes; Pages 110-137. CSE 191 "Discrete Structures".
Proving Theorems about Integers
The following examples are based on the Class Notes; Pages 110-137. CSE 191 "Discrete Structures".
Require Import ZArith.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Lemma divide_refl: forall n, (n | n).
intro n.
unfold Z.divide.
exists 1.
Lemma divide_trans : forall n m p, (n | m) -> (m | p) -> (n | p).
intros n m p.
unfold Z.divide.
intros H1 H2.
destruct H1.
destruct H2.
exists (x0*x).
rewrite H0.
rewrite H.
Lemma div_conj : forall m n d x y : Z,
(d | x) /\ (d | y) -> (d | m*x + n*y).
intros m n d x y.
intro H.
destruct H as [Dx Dy].
unfold Z.divide.
destruct Dx as [K Dx].
destruct Dy as [L Dy].
exists (m*K + n*L).
rewrite Dx.
rewrite Dy.
Require Import Znumtheory.
Print Zis_gcd.
Print Zis_gcd_intro.
Lemma Zis_gcd_sym : forall a b d, Zis_gcd a b d -> Zis_gcd b a d.
intros a b d.
intro H.
apply Zis_gcd_intro.
destruct H as [H1 H2 H3].
exact H2.
destruct H as [H1 H2 H3].
exact H1.
intros x divB divA.
apply H.
exact divA.
exact divB.
Lemma Zis_gcd_for_euclid : forall a b d q:Z,
Zis_gcd b (a - q * b) d -> Zis_gcd a b d.
intros a b d q. intro H. apply Zis_gcd_intro. destruct H as [H1 H2 H3].
unfold Z.divide.
destruct H1.
destruct H2.
rewrite H in H0.
apply Z.sub_move_r in H0.
rewrite H0.
exists (x0 + q*x).
destruct H.
exact H.
intros y divA divB.
destruct H.
apply H1.
exact divB.
unfold Z.divide.
destruct divA.
destruct divB.
rewrite H2.
rewrite H3.
exists (x - q*x0).
Theorem: If a and b are both divisors of some number c
(and a,b are mutually prime), then their product ab also divides c
Lemma div_a_perp_b : forall a b c : Z, c <> 0 -> (a | c) -> (b | c) -> Zis_gcd a b 1 -> (a * b | c).
intros a b c CnotZero AdivC BdivC AperpB.
apply rel_prime_bezout in AperpB.
destruct AdivC as [m H1].
destruct BdivC as [n H2].
unfold Zdivide.
destruct AperpB as [r q H3].
apply Z.mul_cancel_r with (p:=c) in H3.
rewrite Z.mul_1_l in H3.
rewrite Z.mul_add_distr_r in H3.
rewrite H2 in H3 at 1.
rewrite H1 in H3 at 1.
rewrite <- H3.
exists (q*m + r*n).
exact CnotZero.
intros a b c CnotZero AdivC BdivC AperpB.
apply rel_prime_bezout in AperpB.
destruct AdivC as [m H1].
destruct BdivC as [n H2].
unfold Zdivide.
destruct AperpB as [r q H3].
apply Z.mul_cancel_r with (p:=c) in H3.
rewrite Z.mul_1_l in H3.
rewrite Z.mul_add_distr_r in H3.
rewrite H2 in H3 at 1.
rewrite H1 in H3 at 1.
rewrite <- H3.
exists (q*m + r*n).
exact CnotZero.