Library example_lions_coffee

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Predicate Logic: Lewis Carrol's Syllogism

This example is written by L.Carrol (the author of "Alice in Wonderland". It is also mentioned in K.Rosen's slide:

In this example, there is a set CRE containing all creatures, isLion(x), isFierce(x) and drinksCoffee(x) are three predicates. The predicates and their interpretations do not matter for this example. In a similar way, you could write another syllogism (predicate-logic statement that is true by its construction): "All humans deserve respect. Some humans lie. Therefore some liars deserve respect."

Human-readable proof

Since some lions do not drink coffee (i.e. there exists a non-drinking lion), let myLion be such a lion. Now let us establish that myLion is a creature that is both fierce and does not drink coffee.
  1. Note that myLion should be fierce, since all lions are fierce.
  2. Furthermore myLion does not drink coffee because of how it was selected.

Computer-verified proof

Section lions_coffee.

Declare a set CRE of all the creatures, including lions and non-lions, fierce and non-fierce, drinking and non-drinking creatures.
Also declare three predicates (functions that map the set CRE into true/false propositions.

Variable CRE: Set.
Variables isLion isFierce drinksCoffee: CRE -> Prop.

These are two premises in the syllogism.

Hypothesis itemA: forall x:CRE, isLion(x) -> isFierce(x).
Hypothesis itemB: exists x:CRE, isLion(x) /\ ~drinksCoffee(x).

This is a conclusion from these premises

Lemma carrol: exists x:CRE, isFierce(x) /\ ~drinksCoffee(x).
  destruct itemB as [myLion H].
  destruct H as [H1 H2].
  exists myLion.
  apply itemA.
  exact H1.
  exact H2.

End lions_coffee.

We can also write the same Lemma as a big implication, where the premises itemA and itemB do not appear as separate hypotheses, but are built into the lemma itself. We need to declare the set CRE and the 3 predicates once again, because they are not visible after the section was closed.

Variable CRE: Set.
Variables isLion isFierce drinksCoffee: CRE -> Prop.

Lemma lion_lemma: (forall x:CRE, isLion(x) -> isFierce(x)) ->
    (exists x:CRE, isLion(x) /\ ~drinksCoffee(x)) ->
    (exists x:CRE, isFierce(x) /\ ~drinksCoffee(x)).

In this example the keyword Admitted indicates that we left this proof unfinished. If you wish, you can edit this and create a proper proof that closes by Qed.