Library example_scottish_club
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This example is taken from
Basic Predicate Calculus (1.3.4)
A private club has the following rules:
Now, we show that these rules are so
strict that no one can be accepted.
Scottish Club Example
A private club has the following rules:
- Every non-Scottish member wears red socks.
- Every member wears a kilt or does not wear red socks.
- The married members do not go out on Sunday.
- A member goes out on Sunday if and only if he is Scottish.
- Every member who wears a kilt is Scottish and married.
- Every Scottish member wears a kilt.
Section club.
Variables Scottish RedSocks WearKilt Married GoOutSunday : Prop.
Hypothesis rule1 : ~Scottish -> RedSocks.
Hypothesis rule2 : WearKilt \/ ~RedSocks.
Hypothesis rule3 : Married -> ~GoOutSunday.
Hypothesis rule4 : GoOutSunday <-> Scottish.
Hypothesis rule5 : WearKilt -> Scottish /\ Married.
Hypothesis rule6 : Scottish -> WearKilt.
One-line "proof" of a 5-variable tautology
~(rule1 /\ rule2 /\ rule3 /\ rule4 /\ rule5 /\ rule6)
Or, equivalently, this states that all the rules together make a contradiction. So, this is also a tautology:
(rule1 /\ rule2 /\ rule3 /\ rule4 /\ rule5 /\ rule6) -> False
Lemma NoMember : False.
End club.
Print NoMember.
Explicit proof from the rules
- Assume a club member wears a kilt.
- Then he is both Scottish and Married (rule5).
- Then he does NOT go out on Sundays (rule3).
- Then he cannot be Scottish (contrapositive from rule4: ~GoOutSunday -> ~Scottish).
- On the other side, assume a club member does not wear a kilt.
- Then he cannot be Scottish (contrapositive from rule6: ~WearKilt -> ~Scottish).
- Then he must wear red socks (rule1).
- Then ~(WearKilt \/ ~ RedSocks) is true (negation of rule2).
The Law of Excluded Middle shows that this is impossible, since each member either wears a kilt or he does not.
Section clubExplicit.
Variables Scottish RedSocks WearKilt Married GoOutSunday : Prop.
Hypothesis rule1 : ~Scottish -> RedSocks.
Hypothesis rule2 : WearKilt \/ ~RedSocks.
Hypothesis rule3 : Married -> ~GoOutSunday.
Hypothesis rule4 : GoOutSunday <-> Scottish.
Hypothesis rule5 : WearKilt -> Scottish /\ Married.
Hypothesis rule6 : Scottish -> WearKilt.
These two axioms are often needed (and they are not provable
in intuitionist mathematics). They are usually imported
from Coq libraries:
Require Import Classical_Prop.
In this brief example we do not import this library with axioms, we state these two basic axioms locally.
Require Import Classical_Prop.
In this brief example we do not import this library with axioms, we state these two basic axioms locally.
Axiom ExcludedMiddle: forall A:Prop, A \/ ~ A.
Axiom ContraPos : forall A B: Prop, (A -> B) <-> (~B -> ~A).
Lemma NoMemberExplicit : False.
elim (ExcludedMiddle WearKilt).
intros KiltHypothesis.
pose (rule5 KiltHypothesis) as H1.
destruct H1 as [H2 H3].
pose (rule3 H3) as H4.
destruct rule4 as [rule4A rule4B].
assert ((Scottish -> GoOutSunday) -> (~GoOutSunday -> ~Scottish)).
apply ContraPos with (A:=Scottish) (B:=GoOutSunday).
pose (H rule4B) as H6.
pose (H6 H4) as H7.
pose (H7 H2) as CONTRA.
contradiction CONTRA.
Now assume that there is no kilt
intros NoKiltHypothesis.
assert ((Scottish -> WearKilt) -> (~WearKilt -> ~Scottish)).
apply ContraPos with (A:=Scottish) (B:=WearKilt).
pose (H rule6) as H1.
pose (H1 NoKiltHypothesis) as H2.
pose (rule1 H2) as H3.
destruct rule2 as [H4 | H5].
pose (NoKiltHypothesis H4) as CONTRA.
contradiction CONTRA.
pose (H5 H3) as CONTRA.
contradiction CONTRA.
End clubExplicit.
assert ((Scottish -> WearKilt) -> (~WearKilt -> ~Scottish)).
apply ContraPos with (A:=Scottish) (B:=WearKilt).
pose (H rule6) as H1.
pose (H1 NoKiltHypothesis) as H2.
pose (rule1 H2) as H3.
destruct rule2 as [H4 | H5].
pose (NoKiltHypothesis H4) as CONTRA.
contradiction CONTRA.
pose (H5 H3) as CONTRA.
contradiction CONTRA.
End clubExplicit.
Hypotheses can be replaced by conditions
Lemma ScottishClub:
forall Scottish RedSocks WearKilt Married GoOutSunday: Prop,
((~ Scottish -> RedSocks) /\
(WearKilt \/ ~ RedSocks) /\
(Married -> ~ GoOutSunday) /\
(GoOutSunday <-> Scottish) /\
(Scottish /\ Married) /\
(Scottish -> WearKilt)) -> False.
intros Scottish RedSocks WearKilt Married GoOutSunday.
intros H.
destruct H as [rule1 [ rule2 [rule3 [rule4 [rule5 rule6]]]]].
After the "destruct H" we get the same
initial state: Prove "False", if there are 6 hypotheses or
rules r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6.
The statement to prove looks like this:
1 subgoal Scottish, RedSocks, WearKilt, Married, GoOutSunday : Prop rule1 : ~ Scottish -> RedSocks rule2 : WearKilt \/ ~ RedSocks rule3 : Married -> ~ GoOutSunday rule4 : GoOutSunday <-> Scottish rule5 : Scottish /\ Married rule6 : Scottish -> WearKilt ____________________________________(1/1) False