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Scottish Club Example

This example is taken from Basic Predicate Calculus (1.3.4)
A private club has the following rules:
  1. Every non-Scottish member wears red socks.
  2. Every member wears a kilt or does not wear red socks.
  3. The married members do not go out on Sunday.
  4. A member goes out on Sunday if and only if he is Scottish.
  5. Every member who wears a kilt is Scottish and married.
  6. Every Scottish member wears a kilt.
Now, we show that these rules are so strict that no one can be accepted.

Section club.

Variables Scottish RedSocks WearKilt Married GoOutSunday : Prop.

Hypothesis rule1 : ~Scottish -> RedSocks.
Hypothesis rule2 : WearKilt \/ ~RedSocks.
Hypothesis rule3 : Married -> ~GoOutSunday.
Hypothesis rule4 : GoOutSunday <-> Scottish.
Hypothesis rule5 : WearKilt -> Scottish /\ Married.
Hypothesis rule6 : Scottish -> WearKilt.

One-line "proof" of a 5-variable tautology

In Coq this is effective, but not very informative proof that the following thing is a tautology:
~(rule1 /\ rule2 /\ rule3 /\ rule4 /\ rule5 /\ rule6)
Or, equivalently, this states that all the rules together make a contradiction. So, this is also a tautology:
(rule1 /\ rule2 /\ rule3 /\ rule4 /\ rule5 /\ rule6) -> False

Lemma NoMember : False.

End club.

Print NoMember.

Explicit proof from the rules

Using tactic "tauto" checks, if proposition is a tautology in the classical logic. It accepts all tautologies. Unfortunately, this does not show any human-readable way how to prove the propositional statement in a meaningful way. Unlike computers, humans cannot easily analyze full truth tables with all 32 combinations of 5 propositions (wheather someone is Scottish, wears red socks, wears a kilt, is married or goes out on Sundays). Therefore we apply rules of reasoning inside Coq. But first let's convince ourselves that the statement is true. We consider two cases:
  • Assume a club member wears a kilt.
  • Then he is both Scottish and Married (rule5).
  • Then he does NOT go out on Sundays (rule3).
  • Then he cannot be Scottish (contrapositive from rule4: ~GoOutSunday -> ~Scottish).
Contradiction. We established that no member can wear a kilt.
  • On the other side, assume a club member does not wear a kilt.
  • Then he cannot be Scottish (contrapositive from rule6: ~WearKilt -> ~Scottish).
  • Then he must wear red socks (rule1).
  • Then ~(WearKilt \/ ~ RedSocks) is true (negation of rule2).
Contradiction once again. We established that no member can avoid wearing a kilt.
The Law of Excluded Middle shows that this is impossible, since each member either wears a kilt or he does not.

Section clubExplicit.

Variables Scottish RedSocks WearKilt Married GoOutSunday : Prop.

Hypothesis rule1 : ~Scottish -> RedSocks.
Hypothesis rule2 : WearKilt \/ ~RedSocks.
Hypothesis rule3 : Married -> ~GoOutSunday.
Hypothesis rule4 : GoOutSunday <-> Scottish.
Hypothesis rule5 : WearKilt -> Scottish /\ Married.
Hypothesis rule6 : Scottish -> WearKilt.

These two axioms are often needed (and they are not provable in intuitionist mathematics). They are usually imported from Coq libraries:
Require Import Classical_Prop.
In this brief example we do not import this library with axioms, we state these two basic axioms locally.

Axiom ExcludedMiddle: forall A:Prop, A \/ ~ A.
Axiom ContraPos : forall A B: Prop, (A -> B) <-> (~B -> ~A).

Lemma NoMemberExplicit : False.
  elim (ExcludedMiddle WearKilt).
  intros KiltHypothesis.
  pose (rule5 KiltHypothesis) as H1.
  destruct H1 as [H2 H3].
  pose (rule3 H3) as H4.
  destruct rule4 as [rule4A rule4B].
  assert ((Scottish -> GoOutSunday) -> (~GoOutSunday -> ~Scottish)).
  apply ContraPos with (A:=Scottish) (B:=GoOutSunday).
  pose (H rule4B) as H6.
  pose (H6 H4) as H7.
  pose (H7 H2) as CONTRA.
  contradiction CONTRA.
Now assume that there is no kilt
  intros NoKiltHypothesis.
  assert ((Scottish -> WearKilt) -> (~WearKilt -> ~Scottish)).
  apply ContraPos with (A:=Scottish) (B:=WearKilt).
  pose (H rule6) as H1.
  pose (H1 NoKiltHypothesis) as H2.
  pose (rule1 H2) as H3.
  destruct rule2 as [H4 | H5].
  pose (NoKiltHypothesis H4) as CONTRA.
  contradiction CONTRA.
  pose (H5 H3) as CONTRA.
  contradiction CONTRA.

End clubExplicit.

Hypotheses can be replaced by conditions

Creating and closing "sections" and formulating hypotheses locally is not necessary. Scottish club's example can be written as a closed-form Boolean tautology that is true for all possible truth values for 5 propositions.

Lemma ScottishClub:
    forall Scottish RedSocks WearKilt Married GoOutSunday: Prop,
    ((~ Scottish -> RedSocks) /\
     (WearKilt \/ ~ RedSocks) /\
     (Married -> ~ GoOutSunday) /\
     (GoOutSunday <-> Scottish) /\
     (Scottish /\ Married) /\
     (Scottish -> WearKilt)) -> False.
  intros Scottish RedSocks WearKilt Married GoOutSunday.
  intros H.
  destruct H as [rule1 [ rule2 [rule3 [rule4 [rule5 rule6]]]]].

After the "destruct H" we get the same initial state: Prove "False", if there are 6 hypotheses or rules r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6.
The statement to prove looks like this:
1 subgoal
Scottish, RedSocks, WearKilt, Married, GoOutSunday : Prop
rule1 : ~ Scottish -> RedSocks
rule2 : WearKilt \/ ~ RedSocks
rule3 : Married -> ~ GoOutSunday
rule4 : GoOutSunday <-> Scottish
rule5 : Scottish /\ Married
rule6 : Scottish -> WearKilt