Library hw06_divisibility

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Problems in H6.P5

Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Znumtheory.

Section Homework6_Problems.

Open Scope Z_scope.

See Theorem1 (i), p.252 in the textbook
Lemma sample6_1: forall a b c:Z, (a | b) -> (a | c) -> (a | b+c).

See Theorem1 (ii), p.252 in the textbook
Lemma sample6_2: forall a b c:Z, (a | b) -> (a | b*c).

See Theorem1 (iii), p.252 in the textbook
Lemma sample6_3: forall a b c: Z, (a | b) -> (b | c) -> (a | c).

See Theorem4, p.255 in the textbook
Lemma sample6_4_helper: forall a b m: Z, (m <> 0) ->
  ((a mod m) = (b mod m) -> (m | a - b)).

Lemma sample6_4: forall a b m: Z, (m <> 0) ->
    ((a mod m) = (b mod m) <-> (exists k:Z, a = b+k*m)).

Lemma sample6_5 : forall a b c : Z, (a|b) \/ (a|c) -> (a| b*c).

Optional Corollary

Once the homework is proven, you can obtain useful corollaries.

Corollary divide_lincombination:
    forall a b c m n, (a | b) /\ (a | c) -> (a | m*b + n*c).

Close Scope Z_scope.

End Homework6_Problems.