Discrete 2021: Assignments

Topics Assignments Coq Summaries Presentations Sources

Homeworks (600‰ of the grade)

We expect about 12 homeworks, so each one is worth 0.6/12 = 0.05 or 50 permilles (promilles, ‰). The actual promilles used for grading may differ, if the total number of homeworks is not exactly 12; or one homework is considered bigger (and weighs more) than another.
Time estimates are not meant to be precise or useful. They are a relative measure; for example, an 16h assignment for a typical student would require considerably more time and energy than a 2h assignment.

Grade IDTitleDue Date Time Est.MaxAverage
HW1 Propositional Logic
     Homework1 Solutions
2020-01-12 4h 50‰ NA
HW2 Predicate Logic
     Homework2 Solutions
2020-01-19 4h 50‰ NA
HW3 Set Notation
     Homework3 Solutions
2020-01-26 4h 50‰ NA
HW4 Sequences, Set Cardinalities
     Homework4 Solutions
2020-02-02 4h 50‰ NA
HW5 Algorithms, Asymptotics
     Homework5 Solutions
2020-02-09 4h 50‰ NA
HW6 Number Theory
     Homework6 Solutions
2020-02-16 4h 50‰ NA
HW7 Mathematical Induction
     Homework7 Solutions
2020-02-23 4h 40‰ NA
HW7P2 GCDs, Mathematical Induction 2020-03-16 4h 20‰ NA
(HW8)No homework with this number due to midterm
HW9 Relations
     Homework9 Solutions
2020-03-09 4h 40‰ NA
HW10 Combinatorics
     Homework10 Solutions
2020-03-16 4h 50‰ NA
HW11 Probabilities
     Homework11 Solutions
2020-03-23 4h 50‰ NA
HW12 Recurrent Sequences
     Homework12 Solutions
2020-03-30 4h 50‰ NA
HW13 Graphs and Trees
     Homework13 Solutions
2020-04-16 4h 50‰ NA

Exams (150+200‰ of the grade)

Grade IDTitleDue Date TimeMaxAverage
MIDTERM All Review Topics
Sample Questions (Logic, Sets, Predicates only)
     Sample Questions - Solved
Midterm Exam
     Midterm Solution
     Midterm(Var.2) Solution
2020-02-24 1:40h 150‰ NA
FINAL All Review Topics
Review Samples 1: Relations
Review Samples 2: Number theory, Recurrences
Review Samples 3a: Counting
Review Samples 3: Probabilities
Review Samples 4: Graphs and Trees
Final Exam
     Final Solution
2020-04-28 2:00h 200‰ NA

Coq Assignments

Coq assignments were part of homeworks HW2 to HW7. Here is the summary of all proofs assigned and solved during the class. To see sample proofs visit our Coq page; it has some general tutorials and also contains the techniques and Coq language features used in the proofs needed for each exercise.

Grade IDTitleDue Date
H2.Q5 Simple Tautologies
     H2.Q5 Solution
H3.Q5 Non-Constructive Tautologies
     H3.Q5 Solution
H4.Q5 Generalizing Relational Rules
     H4.Q5 Solution
H5.Q5 General Predicate Logic
     H5.Q5 Solution
H6.Q5 Integer Divisibility
     H6.Q5 Solution
H7.Q5 GCDs, Mathematical Induction
     H7.Q5 Solution

Worksheets (Not for a Grade)

These worksheets are used in the lab sessions on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Week01 2021-01-06, 2021-01-08 Worksheet1: Propositions, Predicates
Week02 2021-01-13, 2021-01-15 Worksheet2: More Predicates, Coq Intro
     Worksheet2 Solutions
Week03 2021-01-20, 2021-01-22 Worksheet3: Set Notation
     Worksheet3 Solutions
Week04 2021-01-27, 2021-01-29 Worksheet4: Sequences, Cardinalities
     Worksheet4 Solutions
Week05 2021-02-03, 2021-02-05 Worksheet5: Algorithms, Big-O, Omega, Theta
     Worksheet5 Solutions
Week06 2021-02-10, 2021-02-12 Worksheet6: Number Theory
     Worksheet6 Solutions
Week07 2021-02-17, 2021-02-19 Worksheet7: Induction and Recursive Definitions
     Worksheet7 Solutions
Week08 2021-02-26 Worksheet8: Relations
Week09 2021-03-03, 2021-03-05 Worksheet9: Relations
Week10 2021-03-10, 2021-03-12 Worksheet10.1: Combinatorics Intro
Worksheet10.2: Permutations, Combinations
     Worksheet10.2 Solutions
Week11 2021-03-17, 2021-03-19 Worksheet11.1: Probabilities Intro
Worksheet11.2: E(X), V(X), Bayes Formula
Week12 2021-03-24, 2021-03-26 Worksheet12.1: Linear Recurrences
Worksheet12.2: Divide-and-Conquer, Inclusion-Exclusion
Week13 2021-03-31 Worksheet13: Graphs
     Worksheet13 Solutions
Week14 2021-04-16 Worksheet14: Trees