Discrete 2021: Proof Assistants
Simple Tautologies
intros x. (For variables)
intros H. (For implications)
unfold not. (Replace "~")
unfold iff. (Replace "<->")
assert (...) as H1.
destruct H1 as [H2 H3].
destruct H1 as [H2 | H3].
exact H.
apply H.
Sample Proofs:
Examples from Ch1_4 (Knepley2021, p.13-25)
Non-Constructive Tautologies
Require Import Classical_Prop.
pose (classic (...)) as H.
elim classic.
apply NNPP.
Sample Proofs:
Two Non-Constructive Proofs
20 Tautology Samples
Predicates on Finite Sets
Section someName.
Inductive typeName : Type :=
Variable predicateName : typeName -> Prop.
Hypothesis ...
induction varName
exists varName
Sample Proofs:
Examples from Ch2_3 (Knepley2021, p.43-49)
General Predicate Calculus
Sample Proofs:
Examples from Ch2_2 (Knepley2021, p.38-43)
Examples from Ch3_2 (Knepley2021, p.60-68)
Examples from Ch3_3 (Knepley2021, p.69-81)
Integer Divisibility
Open Scope Z_scope.
Close Scope Z_scope.
rewrite H1 in H2.
rewrite <- H1 in H2.
unfold Z.divide
Sample Proofs:
Examples from Rosen2019, Ch1.7
GCD and Induction
Open Scope nat_scope.
Close Scope nat_scope.
destruct n.
induction n.
Fixpoint ...
Sample Proofs:
Some theorems about GCD
Examples from Rosen2019, Ch1.7
Examples from Ch4_4 (Knepley2021, p.91-105)
Examples from Ch4_5 (Knepley2021, p.106-129)
Some Advanced Induction Examples
Discrete 2020 Coq Samples and Tasks
Old Coq Labs
Coq Examples and Tutorials
Official Tutorials:
Tactics and Cheatsheets
Specific Examples for "Discrete Structures"
Classical vs. Intuitionistic Logic
Inductive Proofs and Integers
Competition Problems with Coq