Old PBM763 (2020): Assignments

Topics Assignments Coq Proofs Presentations Sources

All Worksheets, Quizzes, Exams (as one PDF)

Calendar Events

Hover your mouse over the event to see the due date.

Week 1
01-06 to 01-10
Week 2
01-13 to 01-17
Week 3
01-20 to 01-24
Week 4
01-27 to 01-31
Week 5
02-03 to 02-07
Week 6
02-10 to 02-14
Week 7
02-17 to 02-21
Week 8
02-24 to 02-28
Week 9
03-02 to 03-06
Week 10
03-09 to 03-13
Week 11
03-16 to 03-20
Week 12
03-23 to 03-27
Week 13
03-30 to 04-03
Week 14
04-06 to 04-10
04-13 to 04-17
04-20 to 04-24

Note on Academic Honor: All homeworks and coding assignments can be discussed in spoken language; exchange of ideas, how to solve them, is encouraged. It is forbidden to show or otherwise communicate written solutions of human-readable proofs and coding exercises.


The following counting was used:

After that the average over all 14 weeks is computed.
Ortus grade IDDates Time Est. MaxAverage
ATTENDANCE 2020-01-06 to 2020-04-10 84h 100‰ 94.00‰


Four homeworks will add up to 200‰ (1/5 of the total grade).
LaTeX Template for all homeworks: TEX;  (the stub file generated from that TEX: PDF).
Time estimates are not meant to be precise or useful. They are a relative measure; for example, an 16h assignment for a typical student would require considerably more time and energy than a 2h assignment.

Ortus grade IDTopicFilesHintsDue Date Time Est.MaxAverage
HW1 Logic and Sets Homework 1 HW01 Grading Criteria 2020-01-20 16h 50‰34.17‰
HW2 Algorithms and Number Theory Homework 2 HW Hints 2 2020-02-10 16h 50‰38.39‰
HW3 Counting and Probabilities Homework 3 HW Hints 3 2020-03-16 8h 50‰39.53‰
HW4 Recurrent Sequences, Graphs Homework 4   2020-04-10 8h 50‰38.38‰

Coq and/or Scala Assignments

Four computing assignments will add up to 200‰ (1/5 of the total grade).

Ortus grade IDTopicFilesHintsDue Date Time Est. MaxAverage
LAB1 Proving Tautologies LAB1 Description;
LAB1 Source File
Hints for LAB1
Lab01 Solution
Classical Coq
2020-01-27 8h 50‰48.58‰
LAB2 Induction and
Number Theory
LAB2 Description;
LAB2 Source File
Hints for P11-P15;
Hints for P16-P20;
Lab02 Solution
2020-02-28 16h 50‰42.94‰
LAB3 String Search LAB3/LAB4 Description
LAB3/LAB4 Sample Code
LAB3 Setup and Testing Hints
Matching Algorithms: Part1
2020-04-01 12h 100‰ 70.65‰
LAB4 More String Search See LAB3/LAB4 above Matching Algorithms: Part2 2020-04-17 12h 100‰57.47‰
The total grade for LAB3+LAB4 that counts for the total was the maximum of both grades (it is computed for every student separately). The average of all these maxima was 79.95‰.

Individual Presentations

Individual Presentations are worth 100‰ (10% of your grade); they are submitted in three installments (Analysis Document; Design+Draft Presentation; Finalized Presentation).
References for your individual topics are under Presentations

Ortus grade IDTopicFilesDue Date Time Est. MaxAverage
PRES1 Analysis and Plannning Doc Guidelines: Part 1 2020-02-03 4h N/A N/A
PRES2 Design+Draft Presentation Guidelines: Part 2 2020-03-09 4h N/A N/A
PRES3 Final Presentation Guidelines: Part 3
Grading Procedure
2020-03-24 8h 100‰ 90.00‰
TopicQuiz Quiz on Individual Topics Quiz on Individual Topics 2020-04-24 4h N/A (77.47‰)

Individual grades for the topics quiz (max=18):
15,15,11,16,14,14,15,16,16,16,16,15,16,0,16,8,16,16 (avg 77.47%).
Individual grade about the presentation depends on the evaluations from the fellow students; it is in the interval [77;100].

Quizzes (Short-Answer Tests)

12 quizzes will add up to 100‰ (1/10 of the total grade). Quizzes typically have 7 to 11 questions; the time is 3-4 minutes per question. They usually occur once every week.

Ortus grade IDTopicFilesDue Date Time Est.MaxAverage
QUIZ01 Boolean Expressions Sample Quiz 01Quiz 01 2020-01-09 2h 7‰5.53‰
QUIZ02 First Order Logic - 1 Sample Quiz 02Quiz 02 2020-01-23 2h 7‰3.18‰
QUIZ03 First Order Logic - 2 Sample Quiz 03Quiz 03 2020-01-31 2h 7‰5.27‰
QUIZ04 Sets and Functions Sample Quiz 04Quiz 04 2020-02-07 2h 11‰7.00‰
QUIZ05 Number Theory Sample Quiz 05Quiz 05 2020-02-14 2h 12‰11.47‰
QUIZ06 Recursive Sequences Sample Quiz 06Quiz 06 2020-02-28 2h 7‰6.58‰
QUIZ07 Counting Sample Quiz 07Quiz 07 2020-03-10 2h 7‰6.94‰
QUIZ09 Recurrent Sequences Sample Quiz 09Quiz 09 2020-03-20 2h 7‰6.35‰
QUIZ10 Binary Relations Sample Quiz 10Quiz 10
Answers by ID
2020-03-27 2h 7‰5.00‰
QUIZ11 Graphs Sample Quiz 11Quiz 11 2020-04-13 2h 11‰8.00‰
QUIZ12 Trees Sample Quiz 12Quiz 12 2020-04-13 2h 10‰8.13‰


Exams are worth 300‰ (30% of your grade).
"Time Estimate" also includes the preparation time.

Ortus grade IDTopicFilesDue Date Time Est.MaxAverage
MIDTERM Topics W1..W6 Midterm Preparation;
Midterm (with solution);
Your percentiles in ORTUS should be
the midterm points multiplied by 2.
2020-02-17 8h 150‰78.80‰
FINAL Topics W1..W14 Final Preparation;
Final (with solution)
2020-04-23 8h 150‰106.17‰


There are many real-world locations where people use Discrete Mathematics. Researchers in our quantum computing team, scientists in the field of natural language technologies, IT security developers at WhiteCryption/Intertrust, networking experts at Mikrotik and others. After finishing this course you might also find that nothing there is needed for your career; that is perfectly normal. The one skill that, hopefully, stays with you is the readiness to solve all sorts of problems. Also formulating your own problems, not needing an instructor to cause problems for you anymore.

In this field where the results range from those by Euclid around 300 B.C.E. to those named after our contemporaries (such as Prim's algorithm) you can expect to be more creative than the generations before you. Doing mathematics is something that happens in your head; it is thus similar to doing music. Of course, musicians may work in an orchestra with an impressive conductor as in Antonio Vivaldi - Gloria in D major. But oftentimes they create interesting stuff on their own with just a few colleagues: Alma Deutscher - Quartet movement in A major.

Best wishes to you all during the summer! Have joy being yourselves, and keep trying doing the hard things that inspire you.
(Kalvis, April 2020.)